Check out a toolset for enhancing the screen reading capabilities of your computer. Integrate modules and overlays adding s speech and Braille output recognition and visualization in popular programs. Switch between two available multilingual synthesizers.
Jaws is a program designed for people who have difficulties for reading or seeing.
When you install the application, there is a voice that guides you and tells you what to press on the keyboard to proceed. A beeping sound indicates that the instalation is taking place.
After installing the program, it speaks up the name of any folder or icon where the mouse arrow clicks on. It also gives information about it's location and how to proceed to use it or move it.
If it is a folder, it will indicate the fyles in it and the first file that will be selected if the folder is opened.
All the alerts and messages on the computer will be spoken up. The buttoms available on the alerts will be mentioned as well.
It has ten laguage available. There are two varieties of english, french and spanish. There is also german, italian, brazilian and finnish.
There are also 4 different posibilities to synthesize the voice that will be heard and the speech rate can be modified to be fastened or slowed down. The punctuation may be mentioned or only taken into account as a normal part of the speech.
Jaws come with some applications to operate the entire computer without having to use the mouse.
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